an Strahlen – urban screening on improvised screens

Additional infos at

Through a series of urban screenings, “an Strahlen” will connect the NODE to the LICHTER Film Festival within the scope of LICHTER Streetview.

Bring your laptop/patches/movie file on USB stick for a 5-minute screening in front of the Frankfurter Kunstverein. There is a beamer and audience, but no screen – you can select from available fabrics, cloth, paper etc. and create the screen you like – either build it in advance or create one on site. Moving, collapsing, static. Or gather a group of people and let them be your screen.

It’s not about precision, it’s about improvisation and having fun.

There will be at least two more screenings during the festival (around 18:00 in front of the Frankfurter Kunstverein), we’ll publish the dates later on.


Please let us know about the materials you need/plans/ideas/etc: or speak to Florian Egermann(fleg)/Thomas Eichhorn at the festival and reload the vvvviki page.